Monday, August 31, 2015

Review: Pau Yuen Tong Balm

A while back, hubby came home with a little package of Pau Yuen Tong Balm. I didn't know what this stuff was, or what it was for; honestly, I wasn't very impressed with the package, or the quantity that had come with it (especially for the price).

Oh. My. God. Y'all! This stuff is amazing.

Let me tell you about this: a few hours before we have sex, hubby will put some of this (just a very tiny little bit) under the head of his cock. An hour later, he applies a little more. Then more an hour after that. From there, he's ready to go.

And go, and go, and go. Once I get him hard, he stays that way. This stuff gives him just the right amount of de-sensitization, along with some special oomph for a bit of extra stamina on top of it. Without any aids, hubby is usually good to go for at least 10–12 minutes of persistent action; apply the Tong Balm, though, and he's still rock-hard after 30 and sometimes 40 minutes of non-stop contact.

I don't know what's in this stuff—frankly, I don't really care. It hasn't caused him any trouble (though, as always, there's a risk for allergic reactions and other adverse side-effects, which anyone reading this review should take into consideration), and it doesn't have a distinct odor or taste—believe me, I would know! In fact, it seems to "linger" in his system, so that the next day he still has some remaining extra stamina even without re-application.

(One further note here: while my hubby hasn't tried this, one website recommended that re-application for several days in a row as instructed—which is 3–4 times at intervals before intercourse or other sexual activity—will build up an increase in stamina overall. I assume this means that, on the second day/night, hubby might last close to an hour, and on day three he would go longer!)

A couple of times, when I've felt especially randy, I encouraged hubby to put the Balm to use—my specific words on one occasion were, "I want you to wear me out in bed tonight." On these and other occasions, Tong Balm has given him the lasting power to do it; I'm exhausted (in the best ways) every time he uses this magic.

The little container that it comes in is very small, and you may at first wonder if you got a sample size for full price. Trust me, this will last a long, long time (no pun intended). We've had the one hubby bought for close to a year, and he hasn't even gone through half of it. For the money, it's one of the best investments we've ever made for our bedroom play.

I give Pau Yuen Tong Balm a whopping FIVE out of five "Os" with no complaints at all. Buy some today! (And if you like this review, check out all of My Reviews.)

Buy Pau Yuen Tong Balm:

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